Help! I’m Not in School and I Don’t Have a Job!

Just kidding, I don’t need any help. I’m perfectly fine these days. Actually, it’s quite the breath of fresh air.

It’s exactly 3 weeks 1 day before my flight to Japan. (Yup, Japan. I’m actually going to Japan for 6 days, Korea 5 days, and then flying to Beijing for my exchange term at Tsinghua University.)

Last week, my contract for my holiday job was over so I basically have a month of “nothing” to do. The school term at UBC started 3 days ago so all my friends are in school. I have no school or job. December was such a hectic month: I was working full-time hours, going to holiday parties all the time, and trying to meet up with all the east-coast friends who came home. This month, I plan to take it easy. But I’m not planning to be a couch potato and sit around all day. I’m going to make the most out of my time here in Vancouver (despite being a little sick of Vancouver!)

1. I’m going to catch up on reading books that I want to read. I’ve been wanting to read Malcolm Gladwell books for so long. Now I can, finally!

2. I’m going to catch up with friends I haven’t seen for a long time. Actually, today I had coffee with my best friend from elementary school; we hadn’t seen each other in 10 years! It was so lovely to laugh about all the weird things we did back then. She was very lovely too.:)

3. I’m going to study a bit of Chinese history. I know nada about Chinese history… it’s kind of embarrassing.

4. I’m going to get off caffeine. Last summer when I went to Kenya, I bought some Kenyan black tea and have been drinking one cup a day ever since. A few months in, I realized that I actually needed it to function, oh man. I get horrible headaches when I miss a day. These past few days, I haven’t been drinking tea/coffee and I’m getting less headaches, which I’m very happy about. I don’t want horrible headaches when I’m travelling!

5. Lastly, I’m going to rest and take it slow here in Vancouver. I know that the minute I step off that airplane in 3 weeks, it’s going to be crazy. I need to eat well, sleep well, and mentally prepare for the craziness that’s coming up in these next few months.


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