My First Time Bungee Jumping [Video]

Hello friends! So, last weekend, I did something very, very, very exciting. I went bungee jumping!

I went with huge group of friends (some old friends, some new friends) to Longqing Gorge, 85 km away from downtown Beijing, to sightsee, bungee jump, and hike. Longqing Gorge was beautiful—the pictures you see below do not do justice. The bungee was 50 m high, which was not so bad. I was talking to a friend who bungee jumped before, and he said that his jump was 200 m!

It was actually very scary. But very fun too. I didn’t know that it was only your feet that were tied to the bungee rope. The scariest part was standing on the plank and looking down. The guy who works at the bungee kept nudging me forward but I didn’t want to let go of the railing behind me. But I had already come so far…

I let go of my hands and the guy helped me raise up my arms. I squealed in terror. He told me to close my eyes. Then he pushed me forward and I fell. I felt like I was going to die. (My eyes were closed the whole time I was falling.)

After the initial fall, I was okay. Going up and down with the bungee reminded me of some amusement park rides, so it was fine.

My neck was a little sore the day after, but it is completely healed now. It was definitely a really cool experience, but I think once is enough, haha.

On the boat, enjoying the beautiful view
On the boat, enjoying the beautiful view
My friend Peter went first. So courageous!
My friend Peter went first. So brave!
SUPER nervous
SUPER nervous
Getting ready to jump!
Getting ready to jump!


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