Right now its 4:30 am and I can’t fall back asleep. We (Lucy and I) arrived in Tokyo at 7pm yesterday after a 10 hour flight. Kyoka and her mom came to pick us up at Haneda International Airport.
6 years ago, when I was in grade 9, Kyoka stayed at my family’s house as part of a short exchange program between our high schools. I promised that I would come to Japan to visit her and she said that had to stay at her house when I did. We send each other Christmas cards every year, and each year she asks me when I am coming, and I always say I will come. After 6 years, I’m finally here now! I’ve always wanted to visit japan, home of Sailor Moon (one of my favourite TV shows when I was a kid) and delicious Japanese cuisine.
Kyoka, her sister, her mom, her dad, and Daikichi (their dog) live in a cute and cozy house in Saitama. Something different than houses back home is that their house has half floors, where the floors for bedrooms and bathrooms are toggled.
I actually learned Japanese in high school for two years, but I forgot 99% of what I learned. I only remember the most basic phrases like “My name is Dina.” Somehow I still remember how to read hiragana characters, but I won’t understand anything I read, d’aww. I think its because after the two years of studying Japanese, I never used it again.
I hope the jetlag doesn’t affect us too much during the day! I’m off to try to get some more sleep now, ciao!